Dealing with Alcohol Poisoning and Hangover

Poisoning and Hangover


Hangover can be dealt with these following tips:

Drink Water or Other Fluids to Rehydrate

Rehydrating is crucial for treating a hangover because dehydration is a key cause of it. Water is always the greatest choice, so drink plenty of it. The body absorbs it rapidly, and it doesn’t contain any sugar, which could affect blood sugar levels. Gatorade and other beverages with sodium and electrolytes can be useful on occasion.

Get some rest

Contrary to popular belief, alcohol use prevents the brain from having healthy REM cycles, and any sleep that results from a night out on the town is not peaceful or rejuvenating. If it’s the weekend, it’s best to put the day behind you and sleep it off, but not before you’ve had a lot of water and a nutritious meal.

Tips for handling alcohol poisoning

An ambulance needs to be contacted right away if alcohol poisoning is suspected. The poison control center is an additional choice, but it’s crucial to seek medical attention right away. Once they recover, they need to be talked about treatment and withdrawal symptoms.

  • Alcohol poisoning patients should never be left in a tub or allowed to sleep alone. This is incredibly risky since someone could choke to death on their own vomit.
  • To prevent them from choking on their own vomit, keep the victim sitting up straight or lying down on their side until aid arrives.
  • Showering in cold water is not a good idea because it will simply make the situation worse since the body temperature is already decreasing. The person can be warmed up with a blanket or clothing.
  • Because alcohol poisoning causes severe dehydration, rehydration is essential. Even if the water is vomited, continuous hydration is necessary to save a person from certain death. It is essential that they can drink water on their own without assistance, as doing so puts them at risk of drowning.
  • Be prepared to give as much information as you can regarding the type of alcohol the person was consuming, the amount they were consuming, when they started drinking, and when the symptoms started when calling for assistance or transporting the individual to the hospital.

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