Effective Leadership Styles in Business

Leadership Styles in Business


Not all leadership styles best suit the employees working in the organization. There are a variety of employees inside the organization and the best leader must match his style to the development levels of the subordinates. He knows how to keep his employees engaged and motivated. However, the point is that some employees are motivated by one factor while others do not have the same motivational triggers. So, the leaders need to choose from a variety of different styles.

Here are some of them. Furthermore, do not forget to explore the ideas from Charles Field Marsham.

Transformational Leadership

As the name indicates, transformational leadership styles when adopted by the leaders or managers of the organizations are centered towards transforming the employees. It will improve the capabilities of the employees and help them discover their inner talent.

Transformational leadership will go on to improve the employee’s well-being because they feel more empowered. Such leaders play a very important role in being empathetic and considerate enough for the employees.

Autocratic Leadership

This is the style that is most centered towards the leaders. Leaders themselves take on important decisions without even considering the employees ideas and suggestions. The decision-making power rests with the leaders always. It will not do any harm if they include employees in every step they take. The autocratic leadership style is not a very collaborative approach.

Bureaucratic Leadership

Bureaucratic leaders could never give an option to the employees for thinking of some innovative ideas. Rather they have just strict rules in writing and order their subordinates to obey those rules, no matter what happens.

The employees may feel like outdated machinery who do not think outside the box and could never bring new ideas to the table. Learn more about leadership roles from Richard Branson.

Servant Leadership

The name indicates that the servant leadership style is highly focused on the care and well-being of employees. So, yes! It is. They are the most generous human beings that employees could ever come across. The satisfaction of the workforce is highly increased in the presence of servant leaders.

Although, the increased reliance on the satisfaction of the workers could somehow cause damage to the organization but only at a minimal level and at a certain point in time. It is because not all workers are very much work-oriented and fulfilling their desires means putting an end to the prosperity of the business.

Transactional Leadership

It is just a contract-based leadership role. Just like the workers have agreed upon the terms and conditions of the organization. They will then take up the role and perform accordingly. It is just trading between management and the employees which leave employees in dissatisfaction. Look what Charles Field Marsham has in store for you.

Final Thoughts

When the leadership style matches with the employees, they are more likely to gain insights from it. That leadership style adopted by the leaders is just another form of mentorship for the employees of the organization. Leaders should understand that employees have different preferences and expectations, thus, leaders must know when to use the different leadership styles.

1 thought on “Effective Leadership Styles in Business

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